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Russian Military Haircut - In 2014, Russia tried to bring Ukraine to its knees. Moscow's hopes rested on the old adage that winners are never judged. However, things did not go according to plan. Ukraine resisted and survived.

Russia's failed blitzkrieg is now becoming the Kremlin's worst nightmare. On December 11, the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague made an important announcement in history. Prosecutors have confirmed that they have found sufficient grounds to launch a legal investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Crimea and Donbas since 2014.

Russian Military Haircut

Russian Military Haircut

To understand the significance of this ICC decision, we need to look back to the early days of the conflict. When Russian President Vladimir Putin first decided to launch a military war against Ukraine in early 2014, he must have been convinced it would be an easy ride. Ukraine had just gone through a tumultuous revolution. His army was in disarray. The country was out of money and in chaos.

Wwi Christmas Truce Of 1914: When Fighting Paused For The Holiday

Russia's opportunistic leadership acted quickly, seizing Ukraine's Crimean peninsula and sparking conflict in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine. At first, everything seemed to be going according to the Kremlin's plan. It seemed that the "little war of victory" would soon end in favor of Russia. Then an error occurred. Against all odds, Ukraine fought back and managed to stop the Russian advance.

Not only Ukrainian soldiers, but also the Ukrainian people resisted the Russian invasion in the spring of 2014. Tens of thousands of volunteer fighters took up arms to defend their country. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers have provided them with everything they need, including basic military equipment. Together, they accomplished the impossible task of stopping the Russian invasion.

As the world watches Russia's invasion of Ukraine, UkraineAlert delivers the best information and analysis from the Atlantic Council's experts on Ukraine twice a week straight to your inbox.

Today, the first place is still the same as in September 2014. Crimea and parts of Donbas are still under Russian occupation. But were Crimea and Donbas really the Kremlin's primary war target? Of course not. Moscow wanted to keep all of Ukraine in its exclusive sphere of influence. In this case, the war clearly failed.

Zelensky Says Russia Wants To Use Ceasefire As 'cover' To Halt Ukrainian Advance

Despite more than six years of conflict, Ukraine has not changed the geopolitical path its people chose in 2014. Instead, the country continues to pursue EU and NATO integration policies, with the ultimate goal of becoming a member of both organizations.

Ukraine is not in recession either. Despite losing around 20% of GDP and 25% of the country's industrial capacity due to Russian aggression, Ukraine avoided any mistakes and actually recorded many consecutive years of economic growth before the coronavirus pandemic. Ukraine's main trading partners are now the EU and China, with former ally Russia dropping to fourth place behind China, Germany and Poland.

The toxic nature of Russia's anti-Ukraine propaganda is another indication that Putin did not anticipate a long-term conflict. Bad stories like the famous "crucified boy from Sloyansk" aired on Russian television in the summer of 2014 are propaganda tools that have a powerful impact but have a very short life span.

Russian Military Haircut

In fact, the whole Kremlin story of "Ukrainian citizens" waging a "civil war" against "Russian speakers" in eastern Ukraine could only serve as a short-term cover. No serious observer believes that a small part of Ukraine can fight alone against the whole country for about seven years without running out of weapons, tanks and soldiers. The only country that still makes such absurd claims is Russia itself.

International Investigation Into Ukraine War Crimes Is Kremlin's Worst Nightmare

While Putin's war is based on short-term tactics, Ukraine's response has been strategic and results-oriented, with the long-term goal of bringing Russia to justice. This approach is now starting to pay off.

The Ukrainian authorities and the country's civil society have demonstrated remarkable cooperation in cooperation with the ICC Prosecutor's Office. Together they wrote and sent to The Hague a lot of evidence of the crimes committed by the victim in the occupied territory of Crimea and in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of eastern Ukraine. That evidence no doubt helped in the ICC's decision last week.

The fact that Ukraine is fully subject to the authority of the International Criminal Court confirms that it has nothing to hide and is fully committed to the principles of justice and the rule of law in international relations. Ukraine has shown zero tolerance for international crimes and has expressed its readiness to use force against them in all cases, in accordance with the principle of complementarity underlying international criminal justice.

Although Ukraine is fully committed to playing its role in the fight against impunity, most of those responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine are located in other countries, especially during the aggression. The regrettable, but unsurprising, lack of cooperation of the Russian government in prosecuting these crimes should not deter the international community from seeking justice. Indeed, ICC is well designed for this type of situation. Ukraine depends on the support of all countries in its pursuit of justice.

Court Tells Goth Soldier To Get A Hair Cut

First, it shows that while international justice is slow, it is not inevitable. Take the example of the former Yugoslavia. It took decades, but the perpetrators of war crimes in the Balkan wars of the 1990s were finally brought to justice. Justice will also be available for crimes committed in support of Russia's armed attack against Ukraine, and the perpetrators will be prosecuted internationally.

Second, it shows the price of Russian aggression against Ukraine, not only for the Kremlin leadership, but also for all their representatives and proxies.

As the ICC prosecutor prepares to call for a systematic investigation, war crimes and crimes against humanity are being committed in occupied Crimea and eastern Ukraine. As a conquering power, Russia continues to ignore its commitments. The annual reports of the ICC prosecutor make it clear that this is the only correct legal interpretation of the situation. The ICC Prosecutor also established evidence of direct attacks by Russian regular forces against Ukraine in 2014 and continues to gather evidence of Russian Federation control over armed groups in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Russian Military Haircut

The completion of the first review of the ICC serves as a reminder that national governments and international organizations should continue to call on the Russian Federation to respect international humanitarian law and cooperate fully with the ICC.

The Wwi Look

Ever since the ICC began its operations in 2003, it has struggled to live up to the very high expectations placed on it. The ICC's progress so far has been slow, but the prosecution of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in support of Russia's war against Ukraine now gives the Court a chance to prove its worth in the interests of justice under international law. ICC should not miss this opportunity. Ukraine is fully committed to developing cooperation with the ICC to fight impunity.

Ukraine is convinced that no lasting peace is possible without taking responsibility for those responsible for serious crimes. The international component of any post-conflict justice is essential to its success because the war in Ukraine is an act of aggression committed by the Russian Federation.

Six years ago, many in Moscow saw the possibility of a "little war of victory" against Ukraine. Those who planned and started this war expected to become heroes. Instead, they can accept the status of international war criminals. Rightly.

UkraineAlert December 7, 2020 We will not allow the old guard to pull Ukraine back By Dmytro Kuleba The old guard wants to return Ukraine to the days when they could withdraw public money with impunity and play Russian politics. We will not allow them to succeed, said Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

Chinese National Team Held A Day Of Its National Cuisine At The Competition Masters Of Armored Vehicles In The Voronezh Region

UkraineAlert 22 Nov 2020 How Ukraine's Orange Revolution Shaped 21st Century Geopolitics By Peter Dickinson The 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine is often overlooked but deserves significant attention as one of the major political changes of the early 21st century, which set the stage for today's Cold War Climate.

BelarusAlert December 10, 2020 Russia retreats as Soviet collapse continues By Peter Dickinson Russia faced many challenges in its environment in 2020 that highlighted the ineffectiveness of Moscow's imperial style for the post-Soviet world.

The views expressed in UkraineAlert are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Atlantic Council, its staff, or its sponsors.

Russian Military Haircut

Read more from UkraineAlert UkraineAlert is a comprehensive online publication that provides regular news and analysis on political, economic, social and cultural developments in Ukraine.

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The purpose of the Eurasia Center is to strengthen transatlantic cooperation to promote stability, democratic values ​​and prosperity in Eurasia, from Eastern Europe and Turkey in the West to the Caucasus, Russia and Central Asia in the East.

Image: Russian officials pictured in Kyiv in August 2014 after being arrested

The World Youngest Soldier - Serjoza Aleshkov was awarded the medal 'For combat merits', received a trophy from the army general and was also "promoted" to the rank of junior lieutenant.

World War II affected the lives of millions of people of all ages. The old men, like the clever young men, had weapons to take. But only one line of the Red Army on the Eastern Front had six-year-old soldiers in its ranks!

The World Youngest Soldier

The World Youngest Soldier

In the summer of 1942, Serjoža from the village of Grin in the Kaluga region found himself in the whole world: his father died before the war, and he followed his mother and brother to Germany because of party ties; in front of the child's eyes. Left alone by everyone, the six-year-old boy wandered carefree through the forest, shocked when he was caught, thin and hungry, by scouts of the 142nd Guards Rifle Regiment.

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The rescued boy said his name was Aleshkin, although it later turned out that his real name was Aleshkov. The soldiers decided to keep him in line, and he was even officially commanded by President Mikhail Vorobyov.

The boy was very eager to be useful. he gave newspapers and letters to his subordinates and was constantly running to headquarters to ask for new orders. One day, while making his regular rounds, he found German support plates hiding in the hay, and Red Army soldiers quickly dispersed them.

In early November 1942, the 142nd Guards Rifle Regiment was transferred to Stalingrad. This little soldier performed a heroic act for which he was awarded the Order of Combat Merit.

During the shooting, Seryozha's adoptive father was buried under the rubble in the dugout. The boy tried to pull him out of his, but when he couldn't, he let out some soap operas. Mikhail Vorobyov was saved, although shelled and wounded.

My Dad The Hero Aged 12: Mystery Of Britain's Youngest First World War Soldier Is Solved

"With his cheerfulness and love for his community and those around him, in the most difficult situations he raised his spirit and self-confidence to victory." Aleshkin is the band's favorite friend," said Sergej, who just turned seven years old, to present the award.

Aleshkov's fight was a difficult one. He drowned near the Sabrina River while crossing the Donjec, and the second time the vehicle went into a tunnel. the child miraculously survived.

Once, as a joke, the soldiers gave Serjoža to the younger legate and almost cost him his life. The leg of the brace drew the attention of the German pilots, who fired a burst of machine gun fire at the "minister". One bullet hit Aleshkov in the heel. "My father later blamed himself for a lot of things," said Vyacheslav Vorobyov, Sergey's stepson.

The World Youngest Soldier

The little soldier's journey ends with a battle in Poland. General Vasily Chuikov, commander of the 62nd Army, in which the little soldier served, ordered the boy to be sent to the Suvorov Military School. Mnemosyn, the military commander gave Aleshko a trophy of a Browning pistol.

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But Sergius failed in his military career, weakened by health, addicted to smoking from an early age. Aleshkov Aleshkov lived in the Urals for the rest of his life and died of a heart attack in 1990, at the age of only 54.

If any Russian content, in part or in whole, will always provide an active hyperlink to the original material. "Soldatik" will be interesting for both children and adults. As unbelievable as it is, it's actually based on a true story.

At first glance, the narrative line in the recent film "Soldatik" ("a thousand soldiers") seems like a roundabout story. It's hard to believe that a World War II-era Red Army government could write a six-year-old who, even more incredibly, has several acts of personal bravery that eventually earn him a medal.

A real 'soldier', Sergei Aleshkov, was saddened in his youth when his mother and brother were killed by the Nazis because of their association with the Soviet partisan movement.

Why The Union Army Had So Many Boy Soldiers

Starving and lost, six-year-old Seryozha walked through the forest for a long time before Soviet spies noticed him. Despite the terrible experience of total loss, the boy always remained positive and happy. So the soldiers were taken with him and they decided to take him into the regiment as "the son in charge".

After the symbolic adoption, it was adopted again - this time officially. The burden of paternal laws was taken by leader Mihail Vorobyev. Then Sergey Aleshkov seriously began his military career. It is filled with brave deeds, rewards and wounds.

The story of a little soldier that director Viktorija Fanasjutina found on a website dedicated to war heroes - he couldn't believe that something like that could happen. "The boy received a medal for his actions in combat, which is abnormal, admirable, horrible, and also our business," he said. "At first he thought it was a fake story, something like that couldn't happen. So we started to dig up materials that include the military-historical society of the Russians. And it turned out to be true - he really was a medal-worthy boy back then.

The World Youngest Soldier

About 400 children auditioned for the role of Seryozha Shishkin, and the role finally went to Andrej Andrejev. The young actor sang of his strong work ethic: He learned not just the two necessary audition scenes — but the entire 200-page page.

Things They Take To War

It really stands out as a WWII movie. It's one of those rare movies you can watch with your kids. But the touch of the story will be enjoyable for adults as well.

"We realized that this story should be told to us by those who really share it - accurately and clearly. These people, the relationships between them and the faith of victory.

If Russia uses something other than the material, in part or in whole, always provide an active hyperlink to the original material.

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Russian Military Hat

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Russian Military Hat

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Russian Military Hat

Russian Military Guns - In a globally interconnected world, gun geeks of all kinds can see the latest and greatest firearms anywhere in the world. Oddly enough, the world of Russian firearms seems to be one of the most mysterious. Aside from the cultural limitations created by the language barrier, the Russians seem to be adopting and creating new rifles all the time. When a new rifle finally became the standard weapon of the Russian army, an even newer model entered production and usurped the rifle's supremacy. Trying to keep up with Russian rifle platforms naturally took me down the rabbit hole to the latest general-purpose infantry rifles, the AK-12.

The AK-12 entered service in 2018 after a lengthy production, testing and prototyping process. This latest rifle has already been delivered to thousands of Russian military forces. The US and Russian military have always punched each other over who can fire the most powerful modern infantry rifles. In 1947 the Soviets got ahead with the AK-47, but we quickly caught up with various iterations of the modern M16, and they've been following us ever since.

Russian Military Guns

Russian Military Guns

The AK-12 represents the Russian military's entry into the field of modern carbines. Think of the AK-12 as a modernized variant of the AK 74 rifle. It's a very modern interpretation of the classic AK series, while adopting some of the modular systems of the M4 to push forward the old design.

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"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" can describe most AK variants. Inside the AK-12 is the same long-barreled, gas-powered system that has long made the AK such a puppet on the battlefield. It's not fancy, it's an effective bolt-on, air-cooled system, but it's effective. The AK-12 also retains the classic paddle magazine version of the AK, the right-hand charging handle and great safety.

In essence, it's still just another AK rifle. This is great for Russian forces because the training between the two platforms will be the same. No one in the Russian infantry will know how to fire the AK-12 when the AK 74 series rifle delivers for the latest rig. Predictably, the AK-12 also uses the same Russian 5.45x39mm ammunition as its AK 74 successor. While the rifles largely share the same infrastructure, the new AK-12 has some notable design changes.

First, it's worth noting that the gas block is now one piece with the front sight. This was a change we've seen on a few older short-barreled AKs in 100 series rifles. The gas cylinder is also permanently attached to the gun.

Kalashnikov modified the firebox to provide an explosion of 2 rounds, essentially giving the soldier a button for "double tap". Russian soldiers will now have semi-automatic, fully automatic and 2-shell detonation options. The 2-bullet explosion concept was tested on the prototype AN-94 series rifle of the past.

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Breaking operations complicate the trigger assembly and often reduce trigger torque. Instead of reducing the soft torque, you usually get a heavier and rougher torque. This makes the 2 bullet burst an interesting change, as accuracy seemed to be more of a factor in the AK series than in previous service guns. Longer or more inconsistent trigger forces can adversely affect accuracy, especially at long distances.

As part of this effort to increase accuracy, the AK-12 is the first AK series to feature a free-floating barrel. The handguard has no contact with the barrel and this often improves accuracy on service rifles. Nothing the user does to the rifle's handle can affect the rifle's zero position, making it much more forgiving in combat challenges.

At the end of this barrel is a muzzle device system that allows the user to remove or add accessories. Soldiers can add suppressors or muzzle brakes depending on their mission profile.

Russian Military Guns

Kalashnikov equipped the AK-12 with modern polymer furniture. The addition of a telescoping stock allows the rifle to fit users of different sizes, much like the modern M4 stock. Users also have the option of a collapsible stock for storage and transport. A small compartment in the standard stock allows Russian soldiers to store their cleaning equipment inside.

Soldier Russian Army Sub Machine Gun Stock Photo 642042988

The old AK series is famous for having rather small handle-like buttons. The modern polymer grip is much larger and more comfortable for users who are slightly larger than usual.

Size. Above this is a slightly redesigned safety with a thumb cutout that makes commissioning easier than many previous AK platforms.

The AK-12 features modern polymer handles that house Picatinny rails for attaching accessories like vertical handles, optics, lasers, lights and more. The new hand guard design attaches them tightly to the gun, allowing users to more reliably reset the IR laser for night shooting.

Loose hand protection results in zero loss with laser. Since the hand guard no longer touches the barrel, they also tend to stay cooler. Automatic AK variants have been known to ignite or melt hand guards when fired for extended periods in the past.

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The new AK-12 magazine is polymer and textured for good grip. Super modern and reminiscent of Magpul AK magazines. The cutout at the bottom of the magazine is another change designed to improve long-range accuracy. It keeps the AK on the ground in focus and keeps the gun steady when firing in a bent position.

The AK-12 dust cover has been converted into a surveillance platform. The rail runs along the dust cover, leaving plenty of room for optics. Previous incarnations of the AK have made mounting optics on the dust cover more difficult or worse. Old dust caps tended to be loose and rattling, making it nearly impossible to reset at times.

The AK used a side-mounted fiber optic cable when a fiber optic cable was required. The modern AK-12 dust cover eliminates the need for side light mounting. The Kalashnikov Concern installs the top cover in a completely new way. It is firmly attached to the rifle front and rear to eliminate residual play and keep it stable.

Russian Military Guns

The Kalashnikov Concern wisely pushed the rear sight as far back from the receiver as possible. The new rear sight is also a surveillance sight versus conventional AK open sights. The increased sight radius and peephole increase the shooter's accuracy at longer ranges.

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The US military has long tinkered with various optics in infantry rifles, and Russian special forces have also been known to use a dizzying side-mounted red dot and similar components on AK rifles. Russian military forces in general carry a variety of red dot sights and the 1P87 holographic sight appears to be the most common and popular among conventional forces.

This holographic sight chart offers fast, close range targeting capabilities for combat purposes. It looks like a strong sight and has an interesting thread: a ring of tiny 60 MOA dots. There is a dot in the middle and a hash sign below the dot.

The lower hash mark provides a zero to handle the mechanical offset, and optics like this generally work well up to 200 to 300 meters. Some Russian soldiers have been seen using AK-12s with 1P87 optics and a ZT310 magnifying glass that provides a triple magnification optical attachment.

Russia has long had grenade launchers under the barrel, just like American forces. They use 40mm mortars to provide a force multiplier for infantry encounters. The guys in my group made good use of 40mm launchers and I imagine the Russians did the same.

In Eastern Ukraine, The Hunt For A Smoking Gun And A Real Russian Holding It

They use the GP-34 mounted on AK-12 rifles. These grenade launchers can throw fragmentation grenades, fragmentation grenades and smoke grenades. On top of that, there are CS gas grenades and stick grenades for less deadly uses.

Is the AK-12 better than the M4? It's hard to answer this without looking at all the variables. It would take an entire article to discuss this. I think the M4 and M16 series rifles pioneered modern firearm design and focused on modularity as a concept. As a result, it's clear that the AK-12 draws some inspiration from its western equivalent. The AK-12 is definitely helping the Russian military professionalize, and I expect it to have a pretty successful service life.

Travis Pike is a former machine gunner who served 5 years in the 2nd Division 2nd Marine Corps. He served in Afghanistan in 2009 and again in 2011 with the 22nd MEU (SOC) for a record 11 months at sea. He trained with the Romanian Army, the Spanish Marine Corps, the Emirati Marine Corps, and the Afghan National Army. He serves as an NRA-certified handgun instructor and teaches concealed carry lessons.

Russian Military Guns

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How Putin's War In Ukraine Became A Catastrophe For Russia

The Wood Of Suicides - Wood of the Self-Murderers: The Harpies and the Suicides is a pcil, ink and watercolor on paper artwork by the brilliant poet, painter and printer William Blake (1757–1827). It was completed between 1824 and 1827 and depicts a passage from the Inferno of the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri (1265–1321).

The work is part of a series that Blake created before his death in August 1827. It was held at the Tate Gallery, London.

The Wood Of Suicides

The Wood Of Suicides

Blake was commissioned in 1824 by his brother, the painter John Linnell (1792–1882), to create illustrations based on Dante's poem. Blake was in his 60s, yet he created 100 watercolors on the subject of "sick two weeks in bed".

Gustave Dore The Wood Of Suicides 1866

He sets this work on an image from one of the circles of hell depicted in the Inferno (Circle VII, Ring II, Canto XIII), where Dante and the Roman poet Virgil (70–19 BC) in a forest mocked by harpies. —with wings and ugly wings in the sense of a fat belly with the shape of a human head and female breasts.

The harpies in Dante's version feed on the leaves of oak trees to cause carnage. At the time Canto XIII (or The Wood of Suicides) was written, suicide was considered by the Catholic Church to be the same as murder, and contrary to the commandment "Thou shalt not kill.", and many theologians believed that it was one and the same. . it is worse than murder, because it is a rejection of God's gift of life. Dante expresses this by placing murderers in the seventh circle of hell, where evil is punished, including murderers, torturers, blasphemers, sodomites, and exploiters.

Dante describes a forest full of harpies, where the act of murder is punished by imprisoning the perpetrator in a tree, thus causing eternal death and retribution. to the soul in eternity as a member of undead, and prey to harpies. Also, the spirit can only speak and grieve when its tree is broken or damaged as punishment for choosing life to express grief. Finally, in a symbolic act of punishment, each of the blessed and brought back with his body from the Last Judgment, those condemned to murder will no longer hold their bodies but hang by their feet, because they are dead already. . them in their last act of life and in remembering those they killed themselves.

Blake's painting shows Dante and Virgil walking through a glade in a forest where Dante tears a stick from a bloody tree, and is shocked to hear the words parting, "Why should I close my eyes? -love in your chest?"

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In Dante's poem, the tree contains the ghost of Pietro della Vigna (1190–1249), an Italian lawyer and diplomat, and minister and secretary of the Emperor Frederick II (1194 -1250). Pietro was a wise man who rose to become an advisor to the king. However, his success was disputed by other members of Frederick II's court, and it was accused that he was more important than the emperor and that he was a subject of the pope. Frederick throws Pietro into prison, and cuts out his eyes. In revenge, Pietro kills himself by banging his head against the prison wall. He is one of the four murderers named in Canto XIII,

Harpies in the Forest of Suicides, engraved by Gustave Doré in 1861, depicts the same canto as the Inferno.

Although Pietro does not show his ignorance to the travelers in Dante's novel, he does commit the act of murder, asking (as noted by historian Wallace Fowlie) whether it is better to submit to chastisemt and harm or take his own life. .

The Wood Of Suicides

In Canto XIII, Pietro says, “I hold the two keys of Frederick's heart / To lock and unlock / and I know / To restore them in a beautiful image.

In Which Etrigan Leads Dream Through The Wood Of Suicides, In Rob C.'s X

Blake shows several figures of men locked in oak trees in the foreground. To the right, a male figure is seated and wearing a crown. A female figure mounts and becomes a tree to the left of Dante and Virgil. This image may be derived from Dante's reference to La Meretrice, or vy, which Pietro surrenders in his downfall.

Examining Blake's use of camouflage in the work, art historian Kathle Lunde observes, "The trees in the pictures appear as if they were drawn from two of the first pictures in one thought. Now we see the trees, we see people."

Three large harpies hang at the feet of the pilgrims, and they are depicted by Blake as bird-like creatures that, in the words of art historian Kevin Hutchings, "act as symbolic representations of the act of killing and rejection of this sin. of the divine human body."

Their appearance is like a human, except for their pointed beak, and their body is like an owl, and they are equipped with claws, sharp wings, and female breasts. Blake refers to them as faithful to Dante's description in 13:14–16: "Their pnons are broad, in human form / Their necks and faces, with tails when / They sit and weep in the mysterious tree."

Sign In Aokigahara Japans Suicide Forest Stock Photo

In March 1918, Wood of the Self-Murderers was sold by the Linnell estate, through Christie's, for £7,665 to the British National Art Collections Fund. The Art Collections Fund presented the painting to the Tate in 1919.

Russian Military Handgun - Russian arms giant Kalashnikov Concern has unveiled a prototype gun they hope will be adopted by the Russian military, the Russian News Agency, TASS reported. The new sidearm is called PL-14 or simply Lebedev Pistol.

The design seems to check all the boxes that have set the standard for most performance and performance rifles. Is it a double action polymer composite pistol that is both assault and hammer concealed for a 9mm Luger with a modular grip frame with interchangeable barrels?

Russian Military Handgun

Russian Military Handgun

Since the prototypes are what we are looking at may not be the final production design, after all the sliding mechanism and the finish is a little rough and the wooden panels can be stored for rubber or polymer holders. It is also possible that you save weight because some composites can be heavier than most hardwoods.

Makarov Pm: Russia's Warfighting 'walther' ::

Whatever the case, whether it is a practical design tool or serves a functional or aesthetic purpose, the pistol displays all the hallmarks of modern pistol design right down to the loaded chamber index, rail accessories and fully ambidextrous controls. Ambidextrous mag releases are retained to prevent accidental mag jams.

The PL-14 also has forward slide controls for pressure controls and a large trigger guard for gloved hands that is squared off for use as a barrier support. The press release added that drag is a variable for special forces teams and competitive shooters.

And the rifle has a deep caliber for a high recoil that should make the recoil a non-issue of speed, level gun, something that makes it attractive for military and private users.

Other specs of the PL-14 include a remarkably thin 1.1-inch grip as well as a slimmer frame and slide that measures 0.8 inches in front of the rails. It has an offset rail system that looks like the frame runs on rails on the slide instead of having the length of slide on rails in the frame. Everything else is pretty standard. The PL-14 has a standard 15+1 capacity, a full 5 inch barrel and weighs 28 pounds loaded.

Russia's Latest Lebedev Modular Pistol Passes State Trials

The Russian-Italian Strike One was originally planned to be part of the next Russian military alliance, but did not win the deal. (Photo: Arsenale)

Of course, not that this gun will see many downloads in the West. Due to the sanctions against Russia and especially this concern of Kalashnikov will not be imported into the United States soon. But it's also good to see what's going on in the big world of small arms and hands.

The PL-14 looks to have a futuristic and sleek design with some interesting stuff going on under the hood. It would be interesting to learn more about it if we have the chance.

Russian Military Handgun

This is not the only Russian gun that has been developed in the hope of becoming the next wing of the Russian military. The Arsenal Strike One, or Strizh in Russian, is also designed to compete for future military and police contracts. A key difference between the two is that the Strike One is available in the US starting at around $800. Photo Of The Day and let's look at the Udav gun. The Russian army has chosen Udav guns with deliveries from the end of 2023. It will be available in two versions: 6P72 for medium production and 6P72-1 for special forces. The contract is worth about 400 million rubles (USD 5,400,000) and "up to several tens of thousands" of guns will be purchased.

Russian Soviet Makarov Pistol Display Non Firing

The state tests of the complex pistol "Udav" chambered for 9 × 21 mm will end in early 2019. During the tests, the weapon was exposed to weather and mechanical factors to verify compliance with the requirements of resistance ( force) organized by strategy and technology. . document of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The ballistic characteristics of the gun are also being investigated. The rifle works stably in a wide range of temperatures from plus 50 to minus 70 degrees. "Udav" is intended to replace the Makarov rifle (PM, in service since 1951), which is the most widespread in the Russian army. In addition to the PM, the soldiers use the APS Stechkin pistol (in service since 1951) of caliber 9 × 18 mm. It is mainly used by special forces.

For more information about the Udav pistol, check out our previous articles: ""Aspid" (Viper) - New Civilian Version of the Russian "Udav" Pistol and "Russian UDAV Pistol News - Field Test, Design Concept (O1), civil , advanced polymer".

The photo comes from "Made in Russia" - a Facebook page with photos and video material about Russian technologies and innovations. The PL-15 is promoted by the Kalashnikov Concern to be one of the best pistols in the world. Said to be light, accurate, and shot, the Kalashnikov Concern plans to start production of the weapon in 2019. However, the Russian army has yet to show official interest in buying the weapon. But must he be born? Does the PL-15 represent a big step from the existing parties?

The short answer is, yes. The Russian military still uses the Makarov 9x18mm pistol, a compact design from the 1950s. The PL-15 represents a quantum leap ahead of this old design, becoming a modern assault rifle. However, Makarov is likely to fight for a long time in a long career.

New Russian Udav Pistol Set To Replace Makarov, Vie For International Sales ::

The story of the PL-15 began in 2014, when Dmitri Lebedev, the rifle's namesake and first designer, was hired by the Kalashnikov Concern to work on a new gun. Lebedev worked in small arms for several years before that, being a gunsmith and competitor for various Russian competition shooting teams.

He began to work on a new gun, called PL-14, which combines the characteristics of the most successful foreign guns in a domestic design. The rifle features a low recoil position and long beaver tail similar to the Glock, Steyr M and Caracal pistols, internal double action similar to the original FN Five-seven, and low profile trigger controls suitable for service use .

It has been tested and evaluated, but many (including firearms expert Vladimir Onokoy) find the double-action trigger to have too long of a reset for good rapid fire. However, the ergonomics and handling of the gun were found to be excellent.

Russian Military Handgun

Lebedev took the rifle back to the drawing board and modified it as the PL-15, a modified version that added a trigger for quick, short-range adjustments. Interestingly, unlike the Glock and many of its imitators, the PL-15 trigger does not have a trigger safety, instead opting for a manual safety on the side of the pistol. This is an uncommon configuration, although the US Army M17 is well used. The PL-15 also uses an aluminum alloy frame unlike the Glock and most modern polymer performance pistols.

Potd: The Russian Udav Pistol The Firearm Blog

By most accounts, the new PL-15 and PL-15K is a great gun. So why is he unlikely to replace Makarov?

As the most recent equipment, the PL-15 is likely to go first to the most important units in the army. These units use mostly Glock pistols imported and assembled in Izhmash. Replacing the Glocks with a Russian pistol will likely be used for a great deal of propaganda.

Those who cannot afford Glocks mainly use the MP-443 or PYa pistol. A controversial design that was arguably outdated by the time it was put into service, the PYa was Russia's first major attempt at a modern 9x19mm pistol. However, the design was brought down by low reliability, short service life, and the simple fact of being a heavy, full-metal double-action in the age of polymer assault rifles.

Although many of these kinks have been worked out and the PYa is a common sight in the holsters of today's elite soldiers, the PL-15s may replace the next PYa, as many PYa users use the I their guns are trained and out of service. and enjoy a better new gun. The PL-15 learned a lot from the difficult development of the PYa: it has been extensively tested, built to last (no less than 10,000 rounds of very hot ammunition), and is designed with an aluminum frame to reduce weight.

Pya Yarygin Pistol Pya

But most gun users in the Russian military rarely use their guns. Replacing Makarovs during the war would be a costly endeavor for a slight increase in combat effectiveness. If the PL-15 is hugely successful, it could be purchased in small numbers to replace worn-out Makarovs, but it appears the Russian military is taking a skeptical approach to the new rifles after the PYa debacle. Makarov will fight.

Charlie Gao studied politics and computer science at Grinnell University and is a frequent commentator on defense and national security issues. "), followed by the Russian nomenclature (Russian: Пистолет Ярыгина), is a branch of the Russian military.

Developmentmt is led by designer Vladimir Alexandrovich Yarygin [ru]. It was developed under the name "Grach" in response to Russian military tests, which began in 1993. In 2003, it was accepted as a suitable team for all Russian departments.

Russian Military Handgun